bad or good remaja indonesia??

you just write down YES klo bener terjadi NO kalau itu gak bener and GOOD or BAD plus alasannya!

1. always wanted to buy "brand new" stuff...
ex : denger2 semenjak media bilang Obama still keep his BLACKBERRY,,tu anak2 indo langsung aja nyerocos minta Blackberry ke ortunya (secara gak punya duit beli sendiri! n langsung iri tuh liat anak kecil menggenggam sebuah blackberry di tangannya yg mungil.. Nokia N series jadi saingan

2. your friends style is your style
ex : tang top,,celana tepelorot..skinny jeans,,vest,,apa2 yg udah ditampilin ma majalah2 remaja that's you wanted to buy NOW! least have famous social account
ex : Friendster, Facebook, My space, Hi5, Flickr, youtube etc..gak tau lagi dah notification di email udah berapa ribu saking banyaknya account yg dibuat.

4. wanted to know "good looking" people
ex : ngeadd bule2 ganteng n cute walaupun sama sekali GAK KENAL..lebih banyak orang yg ngeadd cewe2 or cowo2 yg "good looking" daripada gak..( nosense buat alasan pgn knal banyak orang. nyahaaa!org not that good looking juga manusia dude!)

5. you must have some "COOL" stuff
ex : Camera proffesional is the best COOL stuff this year..dlu cuma orang2 yg pake camera gtuan buat job,,hobi,,or someone who understand a beauty of art. sekarang sejauh mata memandang want that "COOL" thing!

6. friends are more important than your family
ex : ngeskate bareng temen,,poto2 bareng temen,,ke mall bareng temen,,karaoke bareng temen,,vacation bareng temen at least you spend 6 days a week for your friends than your family

7. at least have boyfriend or girlfriend
ex : check ur phonebook ,,kalo engga my luvly,,sweety or apalah yg manis2 or X BF,,or you can see her or his name in the first row of your phonebook. kalau jomblo kalang kabut cari gebetan baru,,incaran baru,,you feel lonely!

8. your car is more important than your driver license
ex : gak peduli tu kartu pelajar masih berlabel SMP or tahun lahir masih 1994, your parents have a car they say yes you can drive, just push your gas! you got ticket just call your parents and you can see policeman smiling

9. everything you got it's everything that you have to share
ex : you got new stuff,,cute BF or GF,,got vacation trip ticket,,won a prize, got money,,everything naturally came out from your mouth

10. your life is perfect if you got all of that!!

tag to your friends if you care about it!

3 komentar:

  1. wahh dd .
    mantebb niy artikel na !
    kk stuju banged ma dd !

    *hha .

  2. setuju....
    kayaknya banyakan yang gitu deh....

    kalo gitu kesimpulannya apa y?
    y kalo diliat dari segi ekonomi...
    ekonomi menengah ke atas kebanyakan emang selalu seperti itu..
    tapi golongan ekonomi kebawah, ya ga gitu kah mereka sadar g akan bisa seperti itu meskipun dalam hati mereka juga menginginkan cool stuff kyk gitu...
    dan semua kembali lagi tergantung orangnya....
    jadi ga jelas gini y?

  3. hehe ya ka reza..ada benernya juga..
    ya some of them lah seperti itu..
    kalo yg gak bisa ya gigit jari aja dehhhh :P


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