Story of You

Pernah gak sih ngerasain waktu pertama kali ketemu seseorang, ngerasanya kaya dia orang yang bakal sangat berarti di hidup kalian? Kalau gak pernah I did. Aku orang yang percaya kalau sesuatu terjadi pasti ada maksudnya " Something happen by its own reason" . Aku percaya pertama kali ketemu dia itu bukan sesuatu yang kebetulan dan apa yang aku rasain bukan kebetulan. 

He was so special the time i found him. Aku gak bakalan ceritain gimana aku ketemu dia pertama kali sampai akhirnya aku ngobrol ma dia. Belum waktunya. 

Pernah gak sih ngerasain kalau seseorang yang ada di samping kita itu sangat berarti, ngerasain kalau seandainya waktu bisa di berhentiin jadi bisa terus-terusan ngerasain hal yang sama? " Wishing that the time should freeze even just for a while". Ngerasain kalau kamu gak mau kehilangan dia?

Buat aku dia berarti, buat aku he is already a part of my life story, buat aku dia special

I'm nobody that try to be somebody

Buat aku dia yang selalu ada di saat aku nangis, ada di saat aku butuh temen cerita, ada di saat aku sendirian
Buat aku dia selalu punya waktu buat ngobrol sama aku gak peduli dia lagi sibuk atau lagi bareng sama temen-temennya.

I can life without him but without him my life is tasteless

I remember and always gonna remember....
The way he smiles to me
The way he sits next to me
The way he looks into my eyes
The way he talks and bangs his drum
The way he texts me all the time
The way he feels sleepy
The way he answers my phone
The way he sicks
The way he keeps talking when i can't speak
The way he leans on my shoulder
The way he gives me a blanket
The way he tells me to go to sleep
The way he listens to the music
The way he smokes the cigar
The way he forgot to wear a jacket

I remember
The way we met
The way we were spending all day together
The way we talk
The way we went to the concert
The way we eat
The way we went out of town
The way we laugh on something
The way we tell our story
The way we watched a movie
The way we argue about something

I remember
The smell of his perfumes
Our late night talk
The moment when a girl teased you out

I remember or is this just the sweetest memories that i have to keep all alone?
How do you get here under my skin?
The story of you is always here....

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