Allah swt Heard Me

Assalamualaikum everyone J

I was looking for a job lately, it because I don’t get any English class to teach since I was out of town for Ramadhan days-off. So I started writing CVs, it wasn’t that hard but I don’t know how to write it, then I decided to just search it on Google. After I got all the papers on me,  first place I went to was  KFC Cempaka Putih. I’m looking for the Manager and someone showed up, I told her that I want to apply to work there, she said that I have to go to KFC Kebon Jeruk, that’s so faaar away so I decided to do it some other time. 

After that I went to Coffee Break Café, I really want to work there but when I asked the Manager, she said she can’t accept someone who wears Hijab to work at her place. I was totally mad for a hundred times someone treats me that way. Well I decided to give my CV to Gramedia Matraman, someone there told me to give the CV to the security and someone will text me if I get accepted. 

Last, I went to 7-eleven Matraman. The security told me to come again on Monday early morning to do interview. I don’t know what to do what to wear etc. but I decided to come to the interview on Monday. They almost told me that I wasn’t registered for an interview, but then it was a mistake so I can do interview. I was waiting from 6am to 10 am until I got called with another 100 people who apply for it. After they called my name they let me come into the room at second floor. Someone from HRD section gave us basic math test. The test was about math stories and we have to find the solution. The second test was psiko test. Overall it was easy. They told me they will call me in 3 days if I get accepted.

It’s been 3 days they didn’t call. It means I didn’t get accepted. I got disappointed. But the next day after someone called me she asked me whether or not I can teach in LPIA again. I’m so happy. So this is the decision Allah swt made for me. I was looking for work everywhere, but at the and I’m back teaching English for LPIA again. Money come to mama :P Alhamdulillah....

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