My Hijab Story

Hi Guys,
Assalamualaikum :)

Now it’s time for me to share my story about what makes me want to wear hijab.
I thought it was started with a funny and weird story.
My Mom and Dad went to do Hajj together in 2000. I was just 8 years old at that time so they didn’t bring me to come with them. After they came back from Hajj that was the first time I knew what a hijab is.  I recognized my mom wear hijab after Hajj, hijab at that time was just a muslim dress that I wear just for celebrate Ied’l Fitr’ . But after I saw my Mom wears hijab I asked her to wear hijab too when I was 9years old. I still remember that my Mom said that I’m not ready to wear hijab because I was too young.

On school vacation we went to Jakarta. We went to one of the biggest mall there. My Mom and I took a look at Muslim fashion booth, suddenly I saw a group of family. They were a Mom who wears hijab, a Dad and 3 daughters who all of them were wear hijab too. One of them was nearly under 5 years old. I don’t know what I feel, the thing I still remember was when I looked at that little girl who wore hijab I feel ashamed with myself. I wasn’t wear hijab, I wore short sleeves t-shirt with a jeans. Suddenly I locked myself inside the fitting room until that little girl disappeared with all of her family. My Mom was trying to find me, from the fitting room I shouted that I don’t wanna get myself out from it until she buy me a hijab for me to wear. I was feeling so guilty with myself by not wearing hijab and I told my mom from that day that I want to wear hijab just like that little girl. So there’s no reason for me not to wear hijab even I was too young for it.

Alhamdulillah after that event Allah swt gave my father rizqi for me and my Mom to go Umroh together. I admit that I wasn’t really understand what I’m doing but I follow all the instruction during Umroh. It was an incredible experience for me I spent a long time on the plane from Jakarta to Jeddah. I spent night at Jeddah at Marriot hotel and the next day after that we went to Madinah. We visited Masjid Nabawi and Prophet Muhammad pbuh. I was crying, everyone was crying because I believe I felt like prophet Muhammad pbuh still there, all of us miss him. After that we do Umroh from Madinah to Mecca. We spent day in Mecca to pray. I also visited the place to do Lontar Jumroh and the place where Prophet Adam and Hawa met in earth at the first time. Overall I’m so grateful that Allah swt gave me chance to do umroh even in my young age.

We never know what Allah swt plan’s are. Me and neither my Mom never expected that the time after I celebrate my 10th birthday right 18 days after that my father passed out. Me and my Mom was at home in Samarinda but my Father was in Jakarta. My mom was still on the phone at around 3am that day, I was suddenly sleep-talking when they were on the phone but my Mom didn’t give me chance to talk with him. Noone knew that was the very last time we could hear my father voice. He passed out at around 4-5 am. He was totally in a good health but Allah swt love him and want him to be next to Allah swt.
That was totally my hard times. Losing someone you love the most when you were just only 10 years old. When the time goes by, I learnt a lot from that. That nothing in this world stays forever, but there is still Allah swt The One and Only who will always stay next to you.

I’m not perfect, hijab doesn’t change you from human being who always do mistakes to an Angel, no! absolutely not!. I did uncountable mistake in my whole life even when I wear hijab. I faced thousand of trouble in life such as people try to take my hijab away from my head, people judge me for every single mistake I made, people treat me like I don’t even exist, people ask me to take off my hijab if I want to get a job, people don’t allow me to sing or even do whatever I love to do and all kind of things. But it doesn’t make me give up on wearing hijab. I even took it off when I was losing my mind, but Allah swt always keep me on the right track. I believe Allah swt is the one who makes me wear hijab, no one told me to wear it. When I get older I realized that hijab is A MUST thing to do as a muslim girl. It’s written in Alquran and Prophet Muhammad pbuh also explained it in Hadits. So if you really love Allah swt and The Prophet you don’t need any reason to make you do it because you HAVE to wear it.

I was kinda upset to the girls who wear hijab but doesn’t follow that has been written on Al-quran and Hadist. I’m not judging the way people wear hijab but if Allah swt tell you to cover your body , cover your hair, head , neck till your breast, why don’t you do it? We can’t use fashion as an excuse to not wearing hijab as the way it supposed to be. If you wear hijab and don’t even follow Allah swt and Prophet Muhammad pbuh instruction and someone out there follow you, you will be the one to blame, the bad example.

So I wish Allah swt protect us for every good things we do. Once again, I’m not perfect even I’m wearing hijab but I’m still on my way trying to make myself better day by day and try to not doing any other stupid mistake, I learnt from the past and learn from the others. So, this is me telling my story, I hope I can inspire you like I was inspired by other muslim from all over the world.
May Allah bless our life and our age :)
Have a nice day you all!

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